ABLE (Arts Better the Lives of Everyone) Day Sessions Summer Music Program for Musicians with Disabilities


At Berklee, we believe that the arts better the lives of everyone. That's why we offer the ABLE Day Sessions program for musicians with disabilities. Study your instrument in group lessons. Play or sing with other musicians in an ensemble. Experience music through drumming, singing, and music technology workshops. Learn from other musicians in clinics. Share your music in a performance with your ensemble at the end of the week.

You must be at least 9 years old by the start of the program, and you must have at least six months of playing or singing experience.

Ages: 9–17

When: July 19–23, 2021, 8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m., and July 26–30, 2021, 8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. (Students may attend one or two weeks.)

Tuition: $998 per week. Need-based tuition assistance is available to families that qualify

Students must be able to participate effectively in lessons or classes, and maintain an environment that is safe for themselves and others. We strive to create and maintain a safe and effective learning environment for all of our students. Therefore, students who engage in behaviors that may be unsafe for themselves or others will not be permitted to participate in our programs: they will be dismissed.

Student dismissal from our programs will occur in any of the following cases:

  • Physical aggression (including, but not limited to biting, hitting, kicking, hair pulling, head butting, spitting, and so on) with other students or staff
  • Inappropriate physical contact with other students or staff
  • Abusive or inappropriate language
  • Any behavior that makes other students or staff feel unsafe
  • Failure to follow the Code of Conduct, as stated in our program applications
  • Other situations to be determined on a case-by-case basis in consultation among staff members and the managing director of the BIAESN

Our class and ensemble programs provide small group supervision and instruction with low teacher-to-student ratios, but we do not provide one-on-one support for individual students. Students who require such support may be accepted to our programs and may be able to participate in the programs, but they must be accompanied by a personal caregiver or assistant  provided by the student's family.







9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m.


“So Glad I’m Here” greeting song; participant check-in and practice using Zoom/virtual classroom tools/breakout rooms

9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m.


Rotation between drumming, chorus, and music technology

10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.


Sensory/movement/book on Zoom, or screen break (off Zoom)

11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.


Sorted by instrument (piano, guitar, vocals, winds, percussion) to work on new content or ensemble music

12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.


(off Zoom)

1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.


Sorted by ability and interest (genre); heterogeneous groups

2:00 p.m.–2:15 p.m.


Sensory/movement/book on Zoom, or screen break (off Zoom)

2:15 p.m.–3:00 p.m.


Guest visiting artist (a musician with a disability): 30-minute performance/presentation and 15-minute Q&A

3:00 p.m.–3:15 p.m.


Goodbye song