Arts Education Programs Financial Need Assessment Form


Please complete and submit this form to be considered for need-based tuition assistance for our programs. Missing information may cause your application to be delayed beyond the application deadline. Applications received after the application deadline will not be considered for an award for the current term, but may be considered for the next term.

Tuition for the arts education programs is available at various levels, based on financial need:

  • Asteroid: Family pays full program tuition
  • Comet: Family pays 75 percent of program tuition
  • Meteor: Family pays 50 percent of program tuition
  • Shooting Star: Family pays 25 percent of program tuition
  • Supernova: Family pays 0 percent of program tuition


Summer semester: June 1
Fall semester: September 15
Spring semester: January 15

All information provided is confidential.

Family Information
Financial Information

By submitting this form, I acknowledge that all of the above information is true and complete.

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