ABLE Day Sessions Summer Music Program Application

Note: This program will take place in a fully remote format in summer 2021.

Please complete this form to apply for the ABLE Day Sessions summer music program for musicians with disabilities, ages 9–17. Applications will be reviewed by our team, and Dr. Rhoda Bernard, the Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs managing director, will contact you directly to arrange a follow-up meeting and/or phone call.

For questions or for more information, please contact Bernard by email at or by phone at 617-747-2760.

Thank you for your interest in our program; we look forward to meeting you soon.

Student Information
Students in ABLE Day Sessions must be no younger than age 9. Students older than age 17 can be considered for the program on a case-by-case basis.
Colleges and universities are often asked by the federal government, accrediting associations, college guides, newspapers, and our own college/university communities, to describe the racial/ethnic backgrounds of our community members. In order to respond to these requests, we ask you to answer the following question:
All students in ABLE Day Sessions must have a diagnosed disability. Students who do not have a diagnosed disability cannot participate in this program.
Family Information
Program Information
Participation is dependent on acceptance to the program and availability.