Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs: Strategic Objectives, 2018–2021

After a year-long strategic planning process, the Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs (BIAESN) has outlined its five strategic objectives for 2018 through 2021:

  • Expand current programming to serve greater numbers of individuals with special needs, more arts educators and special educators, and a larger community of graduate and undergraduate students at Berklee.
  • Explore increases in administrative and program staffing to better support the work of the BIAESN.
  • Compile resources and generate lists of contacts to provide additional, non-program supports to individuals with special needs and their families, including assistance with transition, lobbying, and information about insurance, individualized education programs (IEPs), various forms of therapy and interventions, and so on.
  • Increase the visibility of the BIAESN and its work within Berklee, in the Boston area, statewide, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
  • Increase individual donor support for the BIAESN.

Special thanks to the following individuals for their assistance during the strategic planning process:

  • Darla Hanley, Dean of the Professional Education Division, Berklee College of Music
  • Cecil Adderley, Chair of the Music Education Department, Berklee College of Music
  • Mary Giurleo, Foundation Relations Officer, Berklee College of Music
  • The BIAESN Advisory Board