ABLE Conversation: Anti-Ableism, Representation, and Accessibility in Arts Education

The Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs (BIAESN) is delighted to announce the 2021 ABLE Conversation: Anti-Ableism, Representation, and Accessibility in Arts Education symposium, which will take place as a hybrid, flexible event on Saturday, November 20 from 11:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Eastern standard time.

This event is free and open to the public, so you can attend either in person or online. Advance registration is required.

In Person Online Cost

Berklee Performance Center

136 Massachusetts Avenue Boston, MA 02115

Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees.

Livestream through Zoom  Free, but advance registration is required.


Cokley Resized

Featured Keynote Speaker: Rebecca Cokley, First Disability Rights Program Officer at the Ford Foundation

Rebecca Hare Cokley is an American disability rights activist and public speaker who is currently the director of the Disability Justice Initiative at the Center for American Progress, where she works on disability policy. She previously served as the executive director of the National Council on Disability.

Gaelynn Lea

Keynote Speaker and Performer: Gaelynn Lea, Violinist, Songwriter, and Disability Rights Advocate

Gaelynn Lea is an American folk singer, violinist, public speaker and disability advocate from Duluth, Minnesota. In addition to performing and recording, she also does speaking engagements about disability rights, finding inner freedom, and accessibility in the arts. She uses her music as a platform to advocate for disabled people and to promote positive social change.


About the ABLE Conversation Symposium

The ABLE Conversation symposium is an exceptional professional development opportunity in the field of arts education and special needs, bringing together educators, artists, researchers, policymakers, school administrators, program administrators, and students to share best practices, explore new research, and learn from each other. The symposium includes presentations, performances, and opportunities for facilitated discussion. We aim to move the conversation in the field forward, and we want you to join us.