Minor in Stage Management

The minor in stage management puts the student at the intersection of the artistic, the technical, and the managerial. Skills and understanding in all three areas make stage managers essential to every kind of performance, both live and recorded, of music, theater, dance, performance art, or opera. As the liason between artists, directors, designers, technicians, and producers, stage managers are a critical link in the successful operation of any production.

The minor in stage management will address the principles of stage management, running and calling a show, lighting techniques, production management, and ways of approaching negotiation. Students will learn from professionals in all areas of performance. The minor also includes an internship through which students will be able to capitalize on their contacts and make further contacts to stengthen their careers. Contacts and internships should help to lead to a full range of professional options upon graduation.

Entrance Requirements

Any student enrolled at Berklee may opt to pursue the stage management minor. There are no entrance requirements for this minor. Students must follow the regular declaration of minor procedure as outlined in the Registration Guide.

Interested students are encouraged to contact the interim chair of theater, Patsy Collins Bandes, for additional information about this minor before declaration. This minor is managed by the Theater Division at Boston Conservatory at Berklee.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the minor in stage management, students will:
  • fully understand the process of production, from prerehearsals to closing;
  • be able to critically evaluate the variety of situations that occur throughout the production process;
  • evaluate goals, strategize, and prioritize;
  • have the ability to communicate effectively with others in different positions and departments;
  • contribute to the artistic value of projects; and
  • have the adaptability, confidence, and discipline necessary to contibute and thrive in any of multiple performing arts disciplines.
Curriculum and Courses

Required Courses (five courses; 8 credits): 

  • T-PR 1903: Theater Process and Production 1 (1 credit)
  • T-PR 1904: Theater Process and Production 2 (1 credit)
  • SMGT-111: Intro to Stage Management (3 credits)
  • SMGT-311: Stage Management Production Practicum (2 credits)
  • T-ST 3103: Directing: Staging and Composition (1 credit)

Electives (up to four courses; at least 4 credits):

  • Any dance genre class (1 credit each)
  • Any foreign language class from the Liberal Arts department (prefixes LFRN, LJPN, and LSPN; 3 credits each)
  • D-LT 1601: Introduction to Dance (1 credit)
  • T-PR 71911: Business of Theater (1 credit)
  • SMGT-311: Stage Management Production Practicum (2 credits; can be taken again as an elective)
  • IN-299: Internship in the Arts and Entertainment 1 (1 credit) or IN-399: Internship in the Arts and Entertainment 2 (1 credit); must have prior approval from minor chair for these courses to count as part of minor

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