Minor in Music Technology

The minor in music technology equips students with tools and strategies to leverage technology in the creation and dissemination of music, allowing students to expand their artistic range and advance their music careers. The minor is immersive and integrated, with courses working together to meet project goals as students move through the semester. 

The coursework is designed to be completed in one semester and is delivered at Berklee College of Music's state-of-the-art campus in Valencia, Spain, which offers an advantageous combination of facilities, staff, and faculty.

Entrance Requirements

Students must be accepted into the Berklee Study Abroad program and spend a semester at Berklee's Valencia, Spain, campus. Upon acceptance into this program, Berklee students who wish to declare the music technology minor should submit the Declaration/Change of Major/Minor form to program chair Enric Alberich

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of a minor in music technology, students will:

  • understand and utilize concepts of critical listening and production analysis;
  • synthesize new technology to create, compose, produce, and perform music;
  • produce, record, and mix songs effectively and efficiently using a professional DAW;
  • employ the concepts of signal flow, gain stages, microphone techniques, room acoustics, compression, EQ, and digital effects in the recording and performing of music;
  • set up, troubleshoot, and effectively operate small to medium-sized PA systems, stage lights, and video systems; and
  • make purchasing decisions pertaining to music technology systems, including DAWs, microphones, monitors, outboard gear, PA systems, interfaces, and other music technology.
Curriculum and Courses

Required Courses (8 credits):

  • MP-114: Critical Listening Lab for Musicians (1 credit)
  • MP-115: Production Analysis Lab for Musicians (1 credit)
  • MTI-303: Recording and Mixing Skills for Music Production (4 credits)
  • MTI-304: Live Sound and Stage Craft (2 credits)

Elective Courses (choose one; at least 2 credits):

  • MTI-307: Electronic Dance Music Creation with Ableton Live (2 credits)
  • MTI-308: Virtual Production Techniques (2 credits)
  • MTI-309: Music Video Production and Dissemination (2 credits)
  • MTI-310: Live Electronic Performance and DJ Skills (2 credits)

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