Music Therapy Bachelor's Degree

Valid for catalog year fall 2020–summer 2021 only. For students who entered Berklee prior to fall 2020, search major grids for past catalog years.

    Liberal Arts

Semester 1

Course # Title Credits
PIXX-111 Private Instruction 1 2
ENXX-xxx Ensemble 1
PW-111 Music Application and Theory 4
ET-111 Ear Training 1 2
MTEC-111 Introduction to Music Technology 2
LENS-10x LENS Seminar 2
LENG-111 Introduction to College Writing 3
Total Credits 16

Semester 2

Course # Title Credits
PIXX-112 Private Instruction 2 2
ENXX-xxx Ensemble 1
XXXX-xxx Arranging 1 - choose 1
AR-111 Arranging 1 Entering
AR-123 Arranging 1 Continuing
XXXX-xxx Ear Training 2 - choose 1
ET-112 Ear Training 2
ET-123 Ear Training 2 Entering
XXXX-xxx Harmony 2 - choose 1
HR-112 Harmony 2
HR-114 Harmony 2 Entering
LENG-223 Literature 3
MTH-201 Introduction to Music Therapy 3
ISGT-230 Intermediate Clinical Guitar for Music Therapy * 1
Total Credits 16

Semester 3

Course # Title Credits
PIXX-211 Private Instruction 3 1
ENXX-xxx Ensemble 1
ILXX-xxx Instrumental Lab 1
ET-231 Solfege 1 2
XXXX-xxx Harmony 3 - choose 1
HR-211 Harmony 3
HR-213 Harmony 3 Entering
HR-215 Harmony 3 Intensive
LSOC-211 General Psychology 3
MTH-220 Creative/Recreative Methods in Music Therapy 3
ISGT-330 Advanced Clinical Guitar for Music Therapy 1
ISKB-231 Keyboard for Music Therapy 1 1
ILVC-210 Elements of Vocal Technique for Non-voice Principals 1
Total Credits 16

Semester 4

Course # Title Credits
PIXX-212 Private Instruction 4 1
ENXX-xxx Ensemble 1
ILXX-xxx Instrumental Lab 1
ET-232 Solfege 2 2
XXXX-xxx Harmony 4 - choose 1
HR-212 Harmony 4
HR-214 Harmony 4 Entering
HR-216 Harmony 4 Intensive
LSOC-212 Psychology of Music 3
MTH-250 Clinical Orientation to Music Therapy 1 2
MTH-255 Receptive Methods in Music Therapy 3
ISKB-232 Keyboard for Music Therapy 2 1
Total Credits 16

Semester 5

Course # Title Credits
CM-211 Tonal Harmony and Composition 1 2
XXXX-xxx Conducting 1 - choose 1
COND-211 Conducting 1
COND-216 Conducting 1 with Live Keyboard Ensemble
LHIS-xxx History (any LHIS course) 3
LVIS-xxx Visual Studies (any LVIS course) 3
MTH-300 Clinical Orientation to Music Therapy 2 2
MTH-305 Improvisation Methods in Music Therapy 3
ISPC-231 Percussion for Music Therapy 1
Total Credits 15

Semester 6

Course # Title Credits
CP-210 The Art of Counterpoint 3
XXXX-xxx Conducting 2 - choose 1
COND-212 Conducting 2
COND-217 Conducting 2 with Live Keyboard Ensemble
MHIS-20X History of Music in the European Tradition (choose 1) 2
LHUM-400 Professional Development Seminar 2
LSOC-xxx any additional psychology elective 3
MTH-320 Music Therapy Internship Preparation 1
MTH-350 Advanced Music Therapy Practicum 1 3
Total Credits 15

Semester 7

Course # Title Credits
CM-212 Tonal Harmony and Composition 2 2
MHIS-22X Music of the African Diaspora in the United States (choose 1) 2
LMAS-xxx Music and Society (any LMAS course) 3
LMSC-424 Human Anatomy and Physiology 3
MTH-400 Advanced Music Therapy Practicum 2 3
XXXX-xxx Music Therapy Elective - choose 1
MTH-211 Mind-Body Disciplines for Musicians
MTH-281 Technology for Music Therapists
MTH-351 Exceptional Children
MTH-420 Community Music Therapy
MTH-490 Directed Study Music Therapy
Total Credits 15

Semester 8

Course # Title Credits
MHIS-3XX Music History Elective (any MHIS course level 300 or higher) 2
LSOC-421 Abnormal Psychology 3
MTH-410 Introduction to Music Therapy Research 3
MTH-430 Professional Topics in Music Therapy 2
XXXX-xxx Major Elective or Music Therapy Elective
Choose from MTH-211, MTH-281, MTH-351, MTH-420, MTH-490, ICE-125, ICE-225, ICE-325, ICE-425, PM-330, PM-340, SW-211, SW-221
Total Credits 12

Semester 9

Course # Title Credits
MTH-495 Music Therapy Internship 6
Total Credits 6

Some students choose to study abroad at our Valencia, Spain, campus. It is recommended that music therapy majors consult with the chair or contact the study abroad office.