Directed Study Music Therapy

Course Number

This course offers supervision for the preparation and implementation of an approved project within the Music Therapy department. Projects may originate from coursework with emphases on gaining advanced clinical, research, or theoretical knowledge with the discipline. It is expected that this project demonstrates what the student has learned throughout their coursework, showcasing areas of special interest that further the discipline’s understanding of the subject area in some way. Students will be expected to develop a project timeline, self-evaluation criteria for assessment of their project, and gain an understanding of current and future advances in music therapy as they relate to the project and the student’s broader career aspirations. Lastly, when appropriate, students will be expected to submit to present on their work at a regional or national professional music therapy conference.

Written approval of course chair
Required Of
Electable By
MTHE majors
Major Elective for
Music Therapy
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Chair
Joy Allen
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult to find course information for a specific semester.

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