Faculty Biography Submission

Faculty bios appear within each academic department, and also in the main "Faculty" page for each school's website. This information is used to promote you and Berklee. Note that we retain the right to edit as appropriate.

Is this a new biography or an update to an existing biography?
NOTE: If this is an update, please only list the information you would like added and/or specify the information you would like deleted. 
Do you teach in areas outside your primary department? If you teach online courses, please write "Berklee Online." 
Are you a Berklee alumnus/alumna?
Are you a chair?
Please note: we will only be able to use 1-2 paragraphs. Supply the URL or copy and paste text, limit to 250 words.

Please list the following:

List ensembles/groups of which you are a leader or member, or artists with whom you've performed/appeared. List recordings and major publications. You may include any other career highlights you’d like to list, such as notable artists you’ve studied with or instruments you are proficient with. Please limit to ten highlights.
List any Grammy awards or nominations, or international equivalents; achievement awards; certificates; and grants or scholarships.
Please enter information about your degree(s) only. Include the title of the degree and the institution.
Please submit a high-resolution, in-focus, professional-quality photo taken within the last year.

Minimum 400 pixels wide by 600 pixels high—ideally larger but it needs to fit the aspect ratio of a typical 4x6 photo.

Head shots or other tight shots are preferred, given the size at which they will appear. If you do not have a photo, we will be happy to have a photographer take one (please check below).
Please write the name of the photographer who took your photo.
Do you have the photographer's permission to use this photo?
Do you need to have a photo taken?

Any answers you provide to the questions below can be shown as direct quotes on your faculty bio. 

Are you interested in providing analysis and opinion on topics related to your field of expertise? Do you specialize in specific instrument(s)?

Please list any "expertise" that you would like your bio to be tagged by.