
Members of Berklee’s Association of Latin Faculty (ALF) enjoy worldwide recognition, having earned multiple Grammy and Latin Grammy awards and nominations. They hail from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Peru, Trinidad, Uruguay, and Venezuela, but also Germany, Israel, Sweden, and the United States. They frequently perform or travel to international conferences, give master classes and clinics, and belong to leading trade organizations, such as the Latin Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (LARAS), the International Association for Jazz Education (IAJE), the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM), CLAEM, ISB, and the Percussive Arts Society International Convention (PASIC). Most are also well published, either as composers, arrangers, instrument specialists, or music business experts.

Carmen Moral/Peru
Francisco Noya/Venezuela

Contemporary Writing and Production
Dario Eskenazi/Argentina
Bernardo Hernandez/Venezuela
Dan Moretti/United States
Claudio Ragazzi/Argentina

Joe Mulholland/United States

Liberal Arts
Emma Romeu/Mexico
Ben Thomas/United States

Music Production and Engineering
Alejandro Rodriguez/Cuba

Private Instruction—Bass
Lincoln Goines/United States
Fernando Huergo/Argentina
Oscar Stagnaro/Peru

Private Instruction—Guitar
Freddie Bryant/United States
Ben Sher/United States

Private Instruction—Percussion
Henrique De Almeida/Brazil
Eguie Castrillo/Puerto Rico
Ernesto Díaz/Colombia
Bertram Lehmann/Germany
Ricardo Monzón/Guatemala
Alberto Netto/Brazil
Kim Plainfield/United States
Mike Ringquist/Sweden
Dave Samuels/United States
Mark Walker/United States

Private Instruction—Piano
Leo Blanco/Venezuela
Consuelo Candelaria/United States
Rebecca Cline/United States
Matt Jenson/United States
Doug Johnson/United States
Alain Mallet/France
Nando Michelin/Uruguay
Marc Rossi/United States
Gilson Schachnik/Brazil
Alon Yavnai/Israel

Private Instruction—Woodwind
Fernando Brandao/Brazil


Mission Statement
The mission of the Association of Latin Faculty (ALF) is to better integrate Latin faculty, course offerings, and teaching resources while guiding and engaging the entire Berklee community. It will also explore international connections with eminent musicians and music organizations in the United States and Latin America, and help produce and organize cultural and social events that involve the dissemination of Latin culture, including Berklee's annual Latin Music and Culture Celebration.