Visiting Artists

As a Berklee Interdisciplinary Arts Institute student, you'll have access to leading artists, scholars, curators, and arts programmers, who create new works, teach courses, conduct immersive workshops, assist in the design of internships, and provide mentorship.

Working in a cross-cultural experimental arts milieu, you'll engage in a dialogue with 21st century arts leaders.

BIAI Visiting Artists for Spring 2020

Spring 2020 guests include Pierce Warnecke and Lee Gilboa.

Pierce Warnecke

Pierce Warnecke is sound and video artist from the US, based in Europe for over a decade. He works equally in the sonic and visual domains via performances, installations and compositions. He collaborates with Frank Bretschneider, Matthew Biederman and Keith Fullerton Whitman. Pierce has presented his works in MUTEK, ZKM, Sonic Acts, KW Institut Berlin, CTM Festival, Elektra, NEMO and more. He has released music on raster-media and Room40 and is represented by CTM’s DISK Agency.

Lee Gilboa

Lee Gilboa is an Israeli composer, artist and audio engineer. In her work she uses speech, audio spatialization and vocal processing in order to address themes such as identity, gender, naming and objectification. Her debut album ‘The Possibility of Sonic Portraiture’ is published by Contour Editions. Lee's work has been presented at Fridman Gallery, Qubit Gallery, Spectrum, The Immersion Room at NYU, The Cube at Virginia Tech and Resonance FM Radio. Lee is a Ph.D. candidate at Brown University’s Music and Multimedia Composition program.

Artists from past semesters include:

  • Jorge Fernandez, director, Havana Biennial (Cuba)
  • Trevor Smith, curator, Singapore Biennale/Peabody Essex Museum (U.S.)
  • Gabriella Scardi, curator, MAXXI Museum (Italy)
  • Phill Niblock, interdisciplinary artist/director, Experimental Intermedia Studio (U.S.)
  • Tarik Barri, interactive video/sound artist (Netherlands)
  • Los Hermanos Arango, Afro-Cuban folkloric ensemble (Cuba)
  • Claudius Lazzeroni, interactive designer, University of Essen (Germany)

Apply to the Berklee Interdisciplinary Arts Institute.