All students at Berklee College of Music enter with a principal instrument.

No matter what major you end up pursuing, you will complete at least four semesters of private instruction, labs, and ensembles with this instrument. This fulfills your performance core requirement.

Program Details


Find Your Voice

The Voice Department at Berklee will widen your range of styles while also helping you focus on your goals as a singer. From jazz and R&B to rock and country to a variety of global styles, you'll find your voice while creating lasting relationships with faculty and peers at the world's largest independent music school and the premier institution for the study of today's music.

Student Spotlight

Bryce Vine '10

The budding pop powerhouse and “Drew Barrymore” singer met his producer, manager, DJ, and other key collaborators at or through Berklee.

Student Spotlight

From Berklee to Nashville with Chad Michael Jervis

Chad Michael Jervis followed a Career Jam opportunity on campus that led him to King Calaway, a new country band already making noise in Nashville, Tennessee.

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