Master of Music in Scoring for Film, Television, and Video Games

This graduate program is offered at our campus in Valencia, Spain.
Visit for complete information.

As a composer for visual media, you’re committed to telling the story that images alone cannot, and we are committed to helping you do that. The Master of Music in Scoring for Film, Television, and Video Games gives you an advanced education that will sharpen your scoring skills and develop your personal voice. The program focuses on the art and craft of composing, orchestrating, editing, and producing music for the screen. You’ll design an individualized course of study in collaboration with graduate advisors in a manner that best meets your career and artistic goals. 

Culminating Experience

Scoring for film, television, and video games students are required to complete a culminating experience that serves as both a practicum and a bridge to the professional world. The tangible end product of this experience will take the form of an original score, scholarly paper and/or research project, or other enterprise that offers an original solution to the challenge of marrying music to visual media, specifically, film, television, and video games. You will work in consultation with your faculty advisor and/or the program director to develop your project, the goal of which is a professional outcome. A culminating experience committee evaluates the final project that results from the culminating experience.

Entrance Requirements

We are looking for focused, motivated, innovative, and, above all, passionately creative candidates with excellent academic and/or professional backgrounds. Additional study or work experience in the following areas will be helpful but is not required: interactive scoring techniques, conducting to picture, basic music editing skills, working with a live orchestra, and project collaboration. 

Ideal candidates will:

  • demonstrate a strong compositional foundation from their studies and/or professional experience;
  • possess the ability to notate one’s ideas competently, follow an orchestral score, and conceive material in an orchestral context; and
  • exhibit passion for musical storytelling and a demonstrated aptitude for visual music.
Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program you will be able to:

  • synthesize the language of visual media;
  • evaluate and apply leadership models as tools for ethical and culturally influenced decision-making;
  • interpret and apply musically artistic aesthetics to visual media projects in different styles;
  • analyze and research techniques of leading masters of music composition, orchestration, and arranging;
  • synthesize intellectual property laws, with particular attention to artistic contracts;
  • design project management plans for emerging new media scoring models;
  • assess financial considerations in the commerce of music within the entertainment economy; and
  • exhibit expertise in the technology applications appearing in media scoring and sound environments.
Curriculum and Courses

The SFTV curriculum is divided into three modules, with associated subject areas (materias):

  • Core Module (Módulo Troncal)
    • Visual Arts and Media Languages
    • Orchestral Techniques
    • Visual Media Technology and Recording
  • Final Project Module (Módulo TFM)
    • Directed Studies
    • Culminating Experience
  • Elective Module (Módulo Optativas)
    • Visual Arts and Media Languages
    • Orchestral Techniques
    • Visual Media Technology and Recording

Each module, with course options, is described in detail on

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