Master of Arts in Global Entertainment and Music Business

This graduate program is offered at our campus in Valencia, Spain.
Visit for complete information.

The Master of Arts degree in Global Entertainment and Music Business provides advanced instruction to guide and prepare music industry professionals to lead today’s global music industry as visionaries, executives, and entrepreneurs.

As a global entertainment and music business student, you will focus on the skills, concepts, and methodologies central to global business models and apply these models to the artistic management and entrepreneurial challenges of music and digital media in the contemporary international entertainment industry. You will strengthen your analytical and leadership skills as well as your written, oral, and musical communication skills. As you advance your professional skills and knowledge, you will grow and excel as leaders of the global music industry.

Program Concentrations

In the Global Entertainment and Music Business program, you may choose from one of three concentrations and focus on this area via the culminating experience project and a practicum course. These are:

  • Entrepreneurship Concentration
  • Live Concentration
  • Record Concentration

Culminating Experience

The culminating experience is your final project and is related to your concentration. Through the culminating experience, you will make a creative contribution to—and/or define and solve a problem that exists in—the profession. This experience may take the form of a creative, practical, or research project. You will work in consultation with your faculty advisor and/or the program director to develop your unique project. The goal is to complete original work at a professional level. A faculty committee comprising your advisor and two other faculty members will serve as the examining committee to evaluate your final project.

Entrance Requirements

We are looking for focused, motivated, creative candidates with excellent academic and professional backgrounds who can contribute skills that will benefit the program.

Ideal candidates want to:

  • explore advanced concepts and models in the global music industry;
  • apply managerial and/or entrepreneurial skills to existing entertainment and music business environments;
  • lead and influence the direction of the profession as visionaries, executives, and entrepreneurs; and
  • gain a thorough understanding of the elements of a successful enterprise.

Ideal candidates should demonstrate:

  • professional goals of working at an executive/managerial level in a company or creating a business/organization;
  • prior academic success;
  • prior knowledge in business;
  • a good understanding of the current situation of the entertainment industry and technology; and
  • leadership in professional and/or academic environments.
Learning Outcomes

When you complete the Master of Arts in Global Entertainment and Music Business, you will have the ability to:

  • synthesize the language of the global music and entertainment industries;
  • evaluate and apply leadership models as tools for ethical decision-making;
  • apply effective promotion and marketing strategies;
  • synthesize research techniques applicable to the global music and entertainment industries;
  • synthesize intellectual property laws, with particular attention to rights licensing;
  • assess markets for emerging business models;
  • assess financial considerations in the commerce of music and entertainment in a global economy; and
  • forecast trends and gain expertise in the technology applications appearing in business environments.
Curriculum and Courses

The master of arts program at Berklee College of Music is designed to be completed in three semesters of study–or one full academic year: fall, spring, and summer semesters. There is an optional internship that takes place the fall after graduation for those who want to do an internship through Berklee for credit.

  • Total Credits: 33/34 with optional internship
  • Total ECTS: 60

The GEMB curriculum is divided into three modules, with associated subject areas (materias):

  • Core Module (Módulo Troncal)
    • Industry Structure
    • Entrepreneurship
  • Final Project Module (Módulo TFM)
    • Practicum
    • Culminating Experience
  • Elective Module (Módulo Optativas)
    • Electives
Each module, with course options, is described in detail at

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