Lives Changed

Thanks to the support of our amazing community of donors, our students are able to follow their dreams and pursue a world-class education at Berklee. 

Below, hear from a few of those students whose lives were changed thanks to donors like you.

Peter Chang '20, Music Production and Engineering Major

Peter Chang playing keyboard

“I wanted to start by saying thank you for giving me this amazing gift and making it easier for me to finish up my last two semesters. I have always wanted to be able to find a way to help my parents pay for my tuition, but never got the opportunity until I received this scholarship. Being at a school that not only hones your skills as a musician, but also gives you the support you need to keep doing what you love is something you can’t get anywhere else. My last two semesters here have been smooth sailing, and to graduate from my dream school with no financial burden on mine or my parents’ shoulders is something I can never thank you enough for.”

Toj’Mere Cody, Berklee City Music Summer Scholarship Recipient

Toj'mere Cody

“The fact that somebody like me has the opportunity to attend one of the best summer camps for high school and college freshman teens means that even somebody from the inner city has a chance—a chance to ensure victory for not only himself, but also for his community as a whole. This opportunity will be the greatest one for me thus far and will have one of the biggest impacts on my life as a musician.”

Berenice Gonzalo Garcia, Music Production and Engineering Major

Berenice Gonzalo Garcia playing

“Thanks to your support, I can continue to thrive and learn as a woman in a career led by men. I am close to finishing my degree, and you gave me the final push me and my family needed to believe this is possible. I will work hard towards my graduation and my education in music production and engineering with a minor in commercial record production. I know I will thrive in the Latin music industry after I graduate, so thank you again for the opportunity and the trust. I will be forever grateful.” 

Bastien Rieser '20, Professional Music Major

Bastien Rieser holding a trumpet

"I am an international student, so I’m not allowed to work besides a small, on-campus job. I didn’t have the financial resources to make the abrupt trip home to Germany when the Berklee campus closed due to COVID-19. I want to personally thank the generous donors that supported this fund during this difficult time. I might not have made it home without your help. Thank you for supporting Berklee, and thank you for supporting the arts. Especially during these times, we all see how important culture is."

Taiga Ultan, Performance Major

Taiga Ultan playing flute

"As a Berklee Presidential Scholar, I am granted housing and a meal plan. When the Berklee community called for a dorm evacuation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I had nowhere to go and little money for food. Once I received help from the Student Emergency Fund, I was able to pay for my basic needs so that I could continue my studies. Thank you for your compassion and generosity. Your help has saved my life."

Alex Williams '20, Scoring for Film, Television, and Video Games Program

Alex Williams playing cello

"I was studying abroad at the Valencia campus when students were ordered to return to the United States due to COVID-19. Flights were limited and expensive. Thanks to your support, I was able to safely return home and reunite with my family without facing a huge financial burden. Words cannot describe how appreciative I am. These are difficult times that we live in, and I am so grateful that Berklee has an emergency fund for its students in need."