FUSION: Global Art, Words, and Music

FUSION, Berklee’s global arts magazine, publishes writing in all genres, photography, video, and music by students, faculty, staff, and alumni from the entire Berklee community and beyond. Our mission includes presenting student work alongside distinguished guest artists, including former poet laureates of the United States and winners of the Pulitzer Prize; the MacArthur, National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, and Guggenheim grants and fellowships; and other major awards. FUSION is a pan-college initiative, promoting collaborations among liberal arts and professional education, and all areas of the College and Conservatory, including publishing the Berklee Teachers on Teaching conference (BTOT) proceedings. 

Visit fusionmagazine.org.

We invite you to share your thoughts by writing to us at fusionmagazine@berklee.edu.