Summer Dance Intensive Repertory Showcase

Event Dates
Friday / August 13, 2021 / 7:00 pm
Virtual Event

Join Boston Conservarory at Berklee’s Summer Dance Intensive (SDI) 2021 Repertory Showcase. This performance will include excerpts from celebrated and featured choreographers, including Ebony Williams (B.F.A. '05, contemporary dance), Julius Brewster-Cotton, William Briscoe, Joey Columbus, Key'Aira Lockett ( B.F.A. '16, contemporary dance), Levi Philip Marsman, and Ja'Malik Pylés. Come and be moved—let our students ignite your heart and inspire your spirit. 

How to Watch

This performance will be livestreamed from the Boston Conservatory Theater, starting at 7:00 p.m. ET.