Recital Preparation: Guitar - All Levels

Course Number

Starting in conjunction with level three of their private instruction, performance majors take recital preparation classes to provide enhanced focus on repertoire and public performance on their principal instrument.

The Guitar Department at Berklee encourages students to experiment with all styles to improve skills and develop instrumental craft. Students become guitarists with a strong musical identity. Berklee prepares students for today's music by building on traditional aspects of learning. In all instruction offered in the Guitar Department, emphasis is placed on achieving a solid foundation in the standard technical challenges of professional performance, including scales, chords, reading, improvisation, interpretation, and standard repertoire. Also included is intensive training in sight-reading and in the understanding of chord voicing.

  • RPGT-211: Recital Preparation 3 – Guitar
  • RPGT-212Recital Preparation 4 – Guitar
  • RPGT-311Recital Preparation 5 – Guitar
  • RPGT-312Recital Preparation 6 – Guitar
  • RPGT-411Recital Preparation 7 – Guitar
  • RPGT-412Recital Preparation 8 – Guitar
Required Of
Guitar principal PERF majors
Electable By
Guitar principal PERF majors
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Chair
Kim Perlak
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult to find course information for a specific semester.

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