All students at Berklee College of Music enter with a principal instrument.

No matter what major you end up pursuing, you will complete at least four semesters of private instruction, labs, and ensembles with this instrument. This fulfills your performance core requirement.

The woodwind family includes the:

  • saxophone;
  • flute;
  • clarinet;
  • oboe;
  • bassoon; and
  • bass clarinet.

Program Details


Find Your Expression

From the orchestra to the jazz trio, Berklee's Woodwind Department provides a community that allows you to be the best woodwind player you can be. With 18 faculty working in the department, you’re going to find someone who understands your musical goals and helps you develop them to their fullest expression.

Student Spotlight

Katie Webster Named the 22nd Jimmy Lyons Scholar to Berklee

Webster, an 18-year-old saxophonist from Seattle, is the first female recipient of the prestigious four-year, full-tuition scholarship.

Meet Your Mentors

Walter Smith III

The renowned saxophonist and bandleader returns to his alma mater to lead the next generation of artists.

Alumni Story

Felix Peikli

Norwegian-born jazz clarinetist Felix Peikli '12 released his expansive debut album, Royal Flush, in 2015; the album features an all-alumni quintet and appearances from Lee Hogans, Marcus Miller, and Albino Mbie '13.

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