Music Therapy Technologies

Changing Lives Through Music and Technology

Music therapy + technology = Innovation that makes a real difference in someone's life.

Music therapists and technology developers at Berklee are exploring new technologies to open doors for innovative therapies and treatments, helping music therapists lift the barriers that block a client's communication, expression, and creativity—and making music more accessible than ever.

A Unique Partnership

The partnership between our Music Therapy and Electronic Production and Design departments positions Berklee to become a world-class innovator and leader in the development and application of state-of-the-art technology for music therapy. This collaboration is not a destination, but rather a journey supporting key priorities in:

  • Education through enhanced learning opportunities for students, faculty, and clinicians.
  • Research with deeper investigation into the impact of music on behavior.
  • Clinical practice involving greater accessibility through technological advances.

Collaboration in Action

Music therapists and music technologists create prototype software and systems based on the specific needs of clients and researchers. Applications are then field tested in clincial settings and revised as needed. 

Regular symposia are held to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas regarding technology development, field testing, and learning, while building a vision for the future. A course in music health applications is a new initiative through the Berklee Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship (BerkleeICE), and is offered to students at Berklee and MIT.

A Special Application

Berklee's Music Therapy Department is also ensuring that blind and visually impaired students on campus can create and perform music at the highest levels. An assistive music technology course is helping to fully educate talented blind musicians. A newly equipped laboratory allows students to explore existing technology and develop future tools to support their learning experience. 

The Commitment 

The Music Therapy Institute at Berklee is committed to advancing the use of music in therapeutic and clinical settings. The institute will continue to move forward in creating self-sustaining, ongoing collaborations. Building a foundation and core infrastructure will support innovative solutions for best practices in music therapy. 

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