Advanced Song Production Seminar

Course Number

Becoming a recording artist and creating a unique sound is a defining skill for the songwriter. Songs need to move people emotionally. In this course, students' productions, favorite recordings, and artistic identity meet. Students produce and receive feedback at every step in the process, from song choice to mix and mastering. This course explores both the obvious and more nuanced attributes in successful song production in a range of popular styles, allowing students to understand what makes a successful track work. Students will pitch their ideas to the class based on existing favorite records and begin production. Using feedback from the class and popular tracks as standards for artistic and musical reference, students will creatively enhance and better understand their own song productions.  

This course can be used to fulfill the SW-261 requirement in songwriting degree credits. Students with home recording experience comparable to the prerequisite courses are encouraged to apply. Contact the chair for more information. 

SW-212, SW-222, and any of the following: SW-261, CW-275, or MP-205
Required Of
Electable By
Major Elective for
Contemporary Writing and Production
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring
Course Chair
Bonnie Hayes
Taught By
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult to find course information for a specific semester.

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