DAW for Songwriters: Ableton Live

Course Number

Ableton Live is a popular DAW used by an extremely broad range of music creators. Live not only facilitates engineers, producers and writers in professional, home and mobile studio settings but is also a powerful platform for musicians on stage, in the DJ booth, or any combination thereof. Live also allows the creator to work via a number of workflows which can be customized to reflect the needs and style of the user, combining a technical and musical creative skill set. This course will provide the songwriter three distinct springboards:

Non-Linear Composition: Works as a sketchpad compositional tool which allows the songwriter to quickly get their ideas down without the constraints of a linear timeline. The writer will be able to freely play with form, arrangement, and sound as the writing and collaborative process unfolds. Allows the writer to simultaneously play the role of producer if they so choose.

Production: After the initial writing process the writer will take their ideas/inspirations and lay them into a traditional timeline to arrange, produce, mix, master and create exportable demos or final recordings of their work.

Performance: Live is an ubiquitous platform for live musicians on stage which allows the performer access to an array of digital tools that augment and elevate their specific skill set. This performance functionality can also be incorporated into both the compositional and production allowing the songwriter the option of literally performing both functions.

Note: Students taking this class must purchase Ableton Live.

Required Of
SONG majors
Electable By
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring
Course Chair
Bonnie Hayes
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult my.berklee.edu to find course information for a specific semester.

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