Recital Preparation 5 – Percussion

Course Number

This course is required of all fifth semester performance majors and is taken in conjunction with PIPC-311 and the ILRE-375 Recital Workshop. Recital preparation instruction provides students with individual guidance in developing performance technique, learning repertoire, and strengthening their sense of musical direction in building a performance. Each instrumental department establishes the content of recital preparation material; individual instructors may develop supplementary material. 

PIPC-212, RPPC-212, and concurrent enrollment in both ILRE-375 and PIPC-311
Required Of
Percussion principal PERF majors
Electable By
Percussion principal PERF majors
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Chair
Yoron Israel
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult to find course information for a specific semester.

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