Coaching Theater Vocalists

Course Number

This is a course designed to benefit both conducting students and vocalists who wish to hone their theater skills. Conducting students will observe the instructor coaching singers in theatrical material, both in performance and audition settings, eventually taking over the coaching under the instructor's supervision. The format is much like a master class. Each vocalist will have his/her moment to perform each week. Text and character analysis; choosing and fully realizing the dramatic action of the material; and determining the appropriate vocal style, correct key, and song's routine is discussed in each case. Emphasis is on the dramatic elements of the material as a basis for musical decisions, and how musical and theatrical aesthetics inform each other. Basic elements of song structure will also be addressed for the benefit of both singers and coaches. Vocalists may rehearse off-hours with conducting student/accompanists if they wish, but part of the training involves singing with pianists they have not rehearsed with to in order to improve communication skills with accompanists and simulate actual audition conditions.

Written approval of course instructor
Required Of
Electable By
Major Elective for
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring
Course Chair
Anne Peckham
Taught By
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult to find course information for a specific semester.

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