Interdisciplinary Arts Institute Seminar

Course Number

Interdisciplinary Arts Institute Seminar advances students' own interdisciplinary art projects, from the planning stage to the final public presentation. The seminar is designed for music students who aspire to create portfolio quality work in collaboration with artists outside of music. Emphasis is placed on the student's original composition, sound design, and musical performance for collaborative interdisciplinary work. Students learn to collaborate with artists from various disciplines including dance, theater, installation art, film, video, sculpture, spoken word, experimental performance, robotics, virtual reality, and other emerging genres. Students work directly with world-renowned artists, including arts programmers and critics, to develop new ideas, understand global dialogue, and advance artistic entrepreneurship. Students develop enhanced creative and critical thinking capacities and collaborative methods. Students leverage digital tools to emerge with a portfolio of works for new audiences, and they premier these works in local venues. Students may enroll in the class for more than one semester. Concurrent enrollment in MTEC-P480, Indisciplinary Arts Institute Directed Study, is required.

Concurrent enrollment in MTEC-480 and written approval of course instructor
Required Of
Electable By
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring
Course Chair
Matthew Nicholl (interim)
Taught By
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult to find course information for a specific semester.

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