Advanced Commercial Record Production Projects

Course Number

In this capstone project class, instructor and classmates review and advise each class member at every step during the planning and production of multiple fully professional, commercially viable recordings created “in-the-box.” Projects include song selection, beat making, vocal recording and advanced audio processing. Students are expected to produce multiple compositions which include: recording vocals and instruments, creating and arranging music and/or sonic signatures, editing, and mixing. Emphasis is placed on creative and technical aspects of quality in production, and commercially viable market targeting.

Through classroom experience, hands-on project work, and exposure to resident and visiting industry professionals, students:

  • develop an informed and critical understanding of how commercial music integrates with the music industry;
  • gain a thorough knowledge of the creative, technical and entrepreneurial tools used in the music industry;
  • learn to define brand quality and creative vision, and to apply those criteria to your work and to the work of others;
  • refine your communication, time management, productivity and networking in the context of multidisciplinary projects and productions; and
  • learn to create, market, distribute and promote competitive commercially viable projects individually and collaboratively.
MP-320 and MP-343
Required Of
Electable By
MPED majors
Major Elective for
Music Production and Engineering
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Chair
Rob Jaczko
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult to find course information for a specific semester.

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