Podcast Development and Production

Course Number

Podcasts combine the craft of narrative and knowledge of semiotics—gained in liberal arts studies—with the emotional power of music, precision editing, and innovative sound design, gained in production and music technology offerings. Podcast Writing and Production is offered cross-departmentally through the Liberal Arts, Music Production and Engineering, and Electronic Production and Design departments. This course focuses on three main areas of study. First, students explore the content and styles of contemporary podcast forms—from the most popular of interview, journalistic, and narrative shows produced by the largest media companies and public radio stations, to the niche and experimental podcasts produced independently. The students learn the various genres, styles, structures, and subject matter of today’s podcasting world. Second, students develop ideas for their own sample podcast episodes, switching from academic engagement with the material to the development of creative projects. Through this aspect of the course, students collaborate to generate ideas, develop pitches, learn project management, script episodes, coordinate interviews, and more, to take their show from concept to reality. Third, students learn the tools of podcast audio production—from microphone workshops and Digital Audio Workstation intensives, to editing, mixing, and sound design assignments to make a polished, final podcast show. In this facet of the course, students learn to use audio hardware and software, and develop the necessary critical ear to be podcast producers and sound designers.

LENG-111 and MTEC-111
Required Of
Electable By
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Chair
Mike Mason
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult my.berklee.edu to find course information for a specific semester.

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