Enric Alberich

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Career Highlights
  • Senior manager of Academic Affairs, Valencia
  • Project director and guest conductor of medium- to big-band ensembles worldwide
  • Former director of L’Aula de Música Moderna i Jazz at the Conservatori Liceu in Barcelona, Spain
  • Author of the book series Textos de Música Moderna (Contemporary Music Textbooks) with three releases: Exercicics d’Entonació per a l’Educació de l’Oïda (Intonation Exercises for Ear Training), Harmonia 1 (Harmony 1), and Fonaments del Llenguatge Musical (Fundamentals of Musical Language)
  • Author of research paper “Virtual Virtuosos: A Case Study in Learning Music in Virtual Learning Environments in Spain” in European Journal of Open, Distance, and E-Learning
  • B.M., Berklee College of Music, jazz composition
  • M.Ed., and ICT, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, e-learning
  • Degree in jazz, Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya
In Their Own Words

"My goal has always been to seek excellence in all aspects of the educational service. I consider it not only important to provide the highest level possible in course content and knowledge transfer, but also in all the services and activities that surround it, making excellence become a global objective of educational activity. In pursuing this aim I have always looked at those institutions that have become milestones of music education in the world. Thus, for many years I have tried to encouage institutions in Spain to use management models imported from abroad, either from the rest of Europe or the United States. And, of course, all through my life I have looked in detail at the model provided by Berklee College of Music."

"I see education as another state of human interchange, of human relationship. Despite my training being through quite classical (not to say ancient) methodologies centered on the teacher, based upon the class lecture, I strive to turn my teaching activity over to the student, making him become the center, and the objective, of education activity. That's the way that I believe I can improve the results, increase the student level, and decrease the time needed to accomplish it. This aim to make students become the center of education is accomplished by connecting with their interests, using their own tools and resources to develop their skills and trying to make education become a holistic activity. It's not only about learning things, it's also about learning how to do things, and it's also about learning to be a human being. We all remember that teacher that we had, when students, about whom we say "S/he didn't teach me only music, but about life and how to become a better person.' This is how I see that education should be today."