Electronic Writing and Production

Course Number

This course has two purposes: first, to provide the student with the necessary synthesis, sound design, and electronic creative tools to be competitive in the contemporary writing industry; and second, to enhance and further develop the student's compositional skills in a variety of contemporary music styles with a particular emphasis on electronic genres. Through a detailed and thorough hands-on experience the students will begin studying the basic concepts of analog synthesis, moving on to advanced synthesis techniques such as FM, sampling and physical modeling, all the way up to the most advanced sound design and sound shaping techniques. The course will cover processing methods and effects (such as loop creation/editing/slicing, creative use of EQ, delay, compression and convolution reverbs, etc.) targeted specifically to enhance and improve the production of contemporary electronic music. Topics will be contextualized with references to specific contemporary music styles and trends and practically applied by the student to originally composed projects that feature different electronic styles and techniques. Using these concepts and techniques the students will create original compositions based mainly on sounds they have programmed and designed themselves, and by the end of the course they will have an original sound library at their disposal.

Required Of
CWPR majors
Electable By
CWPR majors
Major Elective for
Contemporary Writing and Production
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring
Course Chair
Andrea Pejrolo
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult my.berklee.edu to find course information for a specific semester.

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