Bob Lada

Associate Professor
Affiliated Departments
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Career Highlights
  • Teaches at the Alexander Technique Center of Cambridge, Optimal Performance Year of Austin, Chesapeake Bay Alexander Studies in Greensboro, American Repertory Theater, and Harvard Extension School
  • Alexander Technique certification from Tommy Thompson and Alexander Technique International
In Their Own Words

"Berklee students have a very demanding schedule. Those demands can lead to physical injuries. I'm looking to give them a toolkit that they can pull out while they're performing, while they're practicing, while they're warming up."

"I've been teaching the Alexander Technique for the last 20 years. The Alexander Technique concerns itself with how you do what you do. We try to have you move as easily and freely as possible while making your music. We call that difference 'use': how you use yourself as an instrument. My belief is that the more you perform in a healthy manner, the better your sound will be. I've certainly seen it demonstrated."

"My perspective on this is to take all the energy that you use to keep yourself upright and transform it into something that's available for your creativity. Once you don't need that energy to stay upright—that's where posture and movements come in—that energy's liberated for another use, so you can put it into your musicality."